I'm leaving this blog for a new URL, on Tumblr. Why am I doing this? Well, the explanation is at my new blog. The posts here won't be removed, so my CC here will still be up for download.
New url
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The end...and a new beginning.
Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 8:58 PM 3 trolls discussing
Etiketter: pointless talking
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Moon river by Newsea - Alpha edit

This is what the back looks like. I haven't had any issues with it.

Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 9:04 PM 5 trolls discussing
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Film posters
Song of the day: Bobby Brown Goes Down
I'm back, after a six months long wait. No, I don't think anyone was waiting, since most people can do what I did better. I made these posters because no one else did, the may be a bit LQ and blurry when you zoom in, but I only made these for myself anyway.
I highly recommend all these movies.
I found the images on Google, so I'm not sure who I should credit. If you know who made the inofficial ones, please tell me in the comments.
I used the teen poster as a base, so it costs the same: 26 €§£#whatever. The frame is white by default, as seen in some of the pictures.
Everything is included in the .rar: A merged package file, sims3packs, and separate packages, in case you don't want all of them.
I fucked up on this one. It's blurry as hell, and expensive, since I didn't check the price before exporting. Awesome movie though.

Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 1:45 AM 4 trolls discussing
Etiketter: my own CC, pointless talking, posters