This is what the back looks like. I haven't had any issues with it.

Not updated because of World of Warcraft since August 2010
Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 9:04 PM 5 trolls discussing
Song of the day: Bobby Brown Goes Down
I'm back, after a six months long wait. No, I don't think anyone was waiting, since most people can do what I did better. I made these posters because no one else did, the may be a bit LQ and blurry when you zoom in, but I only made these for myself anyway.
I highly recommend all these movies.
I found the images on Google, so I'm not sure who I should credit. If you know who made the inofficial ones, please tell me in the comments.
I used the teen poster as a base, so it costs the same: 26 €§£#whatever. The frame is white by default, as seen in some of the pictures.
Everything is included in the .rar: A merged package file, sims3packs, and separate packages, in case you don't want all of them.
Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 1:45 AM 4 trolls discussing
Etiketter: my own CC, pointless talking, posters