Sunday, October 3, 2010
Update - Teeth gap

Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 9:10 PM 1 trolls discussing
Etiketter: update
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Nyarai Dumisani
Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 3:46 PM 2 trolls discussing
Etiketter: female sim, requested, sim, YARRGH
Saturday, July 24, 2010
My eyes, they burn again!
Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 5:24 PM 2 trolls discussing
Etiketter: my own CC
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Teeth gap

This is a gap between the teeth, as you can see in the pictures. It might look a bit bigger in game. It shows up under costume makeup and is enabled for both genders and all ages.
Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 2:17 PM 4 trolls discussing
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Natural eyeliner

I tried to make it look natural, but I still think it's too blocky in the middle of the eye. Whatever, the next one will be better.
Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 9:15 PM 7 trolls discussing
Monday, May 31, 2010
Requested sim- Channary Kwan
Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 5:37 PM 1 trolls discussing
Etiketter: female sim, requested, sim
Requested - Retextured afro headband
Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 5:32 PM 6 trolls discussing
Etiketter: requested
Crappy Eyeliner

Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 5:23 PM 1 trolls discussing
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Savio's Anto 30 conversion...Guess what I did with it.
Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 10:13 AM 2 trolls discussing
Etiketter: kittehbomb'd, my own CC
Anto 29 Neon'd (Yes, another Savio hair)
Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 10:10 AM 0 trolls discussing
Etiketter: kittehbomb'd, my own CC
Sorry Savio, I neonraped all your hairs >:)
Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 10:06 AM 3 trolls discussing
Etiketter: kittehbomb'd, my own CC
Savio mesh neon'd - Now with less fug! (Still sucks)

Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 10:01 AM 1 trolls discussing
Etiketter: kittehbomb'd, my own CC
Sunday, May 9, 2010
I don't even like anime? - Flora 005 neon'd
Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 8:56 PM 3 trolls discussing
Etiketter: kittehbomb'd, my own CC
Requested - Smeyer wrote a bad romance...
I hate twilight, but a request is a request. I used my twitard sister as a model for these abominations, since she requested them, and since I didn't want to humiliate my own sims.
Twitard, me?

Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 8:46 PM 1 trolls discussing
Etiketter: my own CC, stupid shit
More neon...

Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 2:38 PM 5 trolls discussing
Etiketter: kittehbomb'd, my own CC
Edakraft's peggy conversion neon'd
Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 1:45 PM 0 trolls discussing
Etiketter: kittehbomb'd, my own CC
Fenella Shaw - My hair model
Eyebrows by Subaxi

Non-default 234jiao skin
Hair by me
Eyebrows by Subaxi
Eyeliner by Emmzx
Blush by Robokitty
Lipstick by Changvivin

Hair by me
Eyeliner by Subaxi
Eyebrows by Subaxi
This is the downloadable version, it might look a bit different from the other pictures, but the face is the same in all of them.
Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 1:11 PM 0 trolls discussing
Etiketter: female sim, sim, YA
Aikea's scene hair neon'd

Upplagd av Kittehbomb kl. 12:51 PM 5 trolls discussing
Etiketter: kittehbomb'd, my own CC