Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Natural eyeliner

I tried to make it look natural, but I still think it's too blocky in the middle of the eye. Whatever, the next one will be better.

7 trolls discussing:

Anonymous said...

Love them! BTW your models are gorgeous!

B said...

I like how they are closer to the edge of the bottom lid. Most others have a noticeable space inbetween. Thanks for creating and sharing.

Nadia Lieblein said...

Is it just me, or does the upper eyelashes seem longer? Wow! :)
Is it a hack or did you photoshop them longer? : D

- Thanks for making this. I love it! It works so well for this sim I've been working on for a while. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

it is as just as enough I think :) looks very nice ...good job:)

Kittehbomb said...

@Nadia: I used the SuperComputer slider hack set to two for the eyelashes.


Leviosa said...

@ Kitteh: Cheater.

FrigidChick said...

This is really nice! I like that model, too. You always make cute things! ^_^